Is Acid Reflux Harmful to My Teeth?| Woodbridge VA Dentist

Every now and then, most people experience heartburn and the discomfort associated with acid reflux. However, if it becomes a regular occurrence, your oral health may be compromised. This article will provide you with all the information you need about acid reflux and its devastating effects on your teeth.

An Overview of Acid Reflux

During digestion, the stomach produces acids to break down and digest food. These acids work their way up into the esophagus, causing acid reflux. This results in a burning, painful sensation in the chest. Additionally, patients may experience excessive burping, bad breath, an acidic taste in their mouth, difficulty swallowing, and tooth sensitivity.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a condition characterized by frequent acid reflux episodes. Sadly, constant exposure to stomach acids can cause extensive damage to your oral health.

What are the effects of acid reflux on your oral health?

Similarly to acidic foods and beverages, stomach acids can erode or wear your tooth enamel, leaving you with yellow, pitted, and sensitive teeth. When your teeth are repeatedly exposed to stomach acids, they can suffer extensive, irreversible damage. Additionally, the acids can irritate your gums, leading to gum disease, the primary cause of adult tooth loss.

Your oral health is not the only thing at risk from acid reflux. Your overall health can be negatively affected by it. Unlike the stomach, which has a lining that protects it from acids, the esophagus does not. It can be damaged by acid reflux, resulting in extreme pain and difficulty swallowing.

What Are the Best Ways to Protect Your Teeth?

GERD treatment options can be discussed with your primary care physician or gastroenterologist. Medications are available that will alleviate your symptoms and protect your oral and overall health.

In addition to preventing acid reflux, you can minimize the damage to your smile.

  • You should limit fatty treats or foods that trigger your heartburn.
  • After eating, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Acidic foods and beverages should be avoided.
  • After eating or drinking something acidic, wait an hour before brushing your teeth.
  • After a meal, do not lie down.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste on a regular basis.

How Often Should You Seek Professional Dental Care?

Dental visits should be scheduled every six months for everyone, but they are even more crucial for acid reflux patients. Our dental team will keep a close eye on your oral health to treat any problems as they arise.

Dental bonding or dental crowns may be recommended if your tooth enamel has been extensively damaged by acid erosion. These procedures reduce tooth sensitivity and prevent further damage. To save a tooth and alleviate tooth sensitivity, we may recommend root canal therapy in certain cases.

Contact our dentist in Woodbridge VA to learn more about safeguarding your smile from the effects of acid reflux. Keeping your smile healthy for years to come is our goal by providing you with outstanding care and service. Get in touch with Woodbridge Dental Care today to schedule an appointment!

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

Fluoride Sources You May Not Be Aware Of | Woodbridge VA Dentist

Fluoride is a topic that dentists frequently discuss, and for good reason! Fluoride is a mineral that has been shown to improve tooth strength, prevent cavities, and reduce sensitivity. Fluoride is added to many municipal water supplies for this reason. It’s also in toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss. But did you know that fluoride occurs naturally in a variety of foods and beverages? Let’s talk about natural fluoride sources and how to make sure you’re getting enough to prevent cavities.


Crab legs and shrimp are not only delicious and fancy delicacies, but they are also among the best natural sources of fluoride.

Wine, juice, raisins, and grapes

Grapes contain fluoride no matter how they are tossed, sunned, or squeezed. Raisins are one of the richest sources of natural fluoride, but they can also be high in sugar, which is bad for your teeth. White wine contains twice as much fluoride as red wine, so the amount of fluoride can vary greatly depending on the source, but no matter how you choose to enjoy grapes, you’ll be adding natural fluoride to your diet, which is a good thing!


Many types of fresh fruit are excellent natural sources of fluoride. However, the fruit should be eaten raw. Fluoride-containing fruits include apples, peaches, strawberries, bananas, watermelon, cherries, and a plethora of others.


Potatoes are a great source of fluoride because, like grapes, they can be eaten in a variety of ways! Russet potatoes contain the most fluoride, but any variety will provide some fluoride.

Black tea and coffee

Coffee and black tea both naturally contain fluoride, and if your city’s water supply contains added fluoride, brewing with tap water can double the fluoride dose in your drink!

Water that has been fluoridated.

According to EPA regulations, approximately three-quarters of U.S. water utilities add fluoride to their drinking water supply. The federal government currently recommends 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water as the optimal balance of maximum tooth decay protection and minimal risk of dental fluorosis. You can find out if and how much fluoride is added to your local water supply by contacting your local water company.

Discussing fluoride with your dentist

If you want to strengthen your teeth and prevent cavities, talk to your dentist in Woodbridge about fluoride and the best ways to incorporate it into your diet and routine. Your Woodbridge VA dentist may also recommend a concentrated fluoride treatment that can be applied after a cleaning to help ensure that your teeth absorb enough fluoride to protect and strengthen your teeth. Please contact Woodbridge Dental Care for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

Your Tooth’s Anatomy | Woodbridge VA Dentist

What do you know about the formation of your teeth? The more information patients have about their teeth, the better they can take care of them. In addition, they also have a better understanding of how important it is to take care of them.

The tooth is one of the body’s most anatomically complex structures. A tooth’s tissue composition is found only in your mouth and is unique to your teeth.

Teeth, both primary and permanent

Primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, are the first set of teeth that a person develops. By the age of three, most children have all 20 primary teeth. Baby teeth have shorter, thinner roots than permanent teeth, as well as thinner enamel, giving them a much whiter appearance.

These teeth are only the first draft of our bodies. Between the ages of 6 and 12, primary teeth usually fall out and are replaced by adult teeth. All baby teeth will have been replaced by the age of 14 by 28 permanent teeth. A full permanent dentition consists of 32 teeth, including wisdom teeth, which may appear in a person’s twenties.

Teeth Varieties

All teeth are not created equal. Your teeth serve different purposes and thus have different shapes. Because of their various shapes and functions, your teeth have names to help you identify them:

  • Incisors are the four teeth in the middle of the upper and lower jaws. They’re used for chopping, cutting, and holding food. The section of an incisor that you bite with is wide and thin, giving these teeth the appearance of tiny chisels with a cutting edge.
  • Canines are the pointed-shaped teeth. Canines, also known as cuspids (a single-pointed tooth), are located on either side of the incisors. They are used to hold and tear food. Many people mistake them for their fangs.
  • Premolars: Following the eruption of all permanent teeth, four premolars, known as bicuspids, are found next to each canine. Premolars are designed to be larger and more powerful than canines and incisors. They have ridges that crush and grind food to make it easier to swallow and digest.
  • Molars: The molar is the final type of tooth. The 12 molars are flat teeth at the back of the mouth that are very wide and have several ridges to grind up food so that it can be swallowed. Properly chewing your food with your molars can help you avoid digestive issues and choking.

Your tooth’s components

Your teeth are made up of various layers and parts that connect to your jaw. They are also designed to be long-lasting and to aid in the chewing of any food texture. You can also cut a tooth into three sections:

Crown: The crown is the visible portion of the tooth above the gums, and it is composed of three layers. To begin with, it is enameled. The enamel acts as a shield to protect the inside of the tooth. Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and is essential for tooth protection.

A second layer lies beneath the hard exterior. Dentin, which is slightly darker in color, accounts for the majority of the tooth’s material. Dentine is a bone-like substance that separates the hard enamel from the soft and delicate pulp cavity.

The pulp cavity, located at the core, is where the blood vessels and nerves from the roots meet. This is what gives a tooth life and the sensitivity to feel the temperature of our food and drinks, as well as pain.

Neck: The neck is the middle region of the tooth that separates the crown from the root at the gum line. As a neck, it is slightly thinner than the other sections.

Root: The root is located beneath the gum line and contains more pulp. This section of the pulp contains the nerve endings of each tooth as well as the blood vessels that bring nutrients to the tooth. Each tooth has a different number of roots. Molars will have two or three roots, while incisors, canines, and premolars will have one. The long roots that connect our teeth to our jaws are held in place and cushioned by the periodontal membrane that lies between them and the surrounding jaw bone.

You will be able to detect problems with your teeth more quickly now that you understand how they are constructed. However, our dentist in Woodbridge is always available to assist you! How much do you know about the construction of your teeth? We believe that the more our patients understand about their teeth, the better they will be able to care for them. Please contact Woodbridge Dental Care today to schedule an appointment.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

The Dangers of Spreading Oral Germs | Woodbridge VA Dentist

Sharing can often be overly comfortable when you are close to someone. Kissing is a prime example. A kiss can spread more than 500 germs between two individuals. Your oral health can be affected by sharing a kiss. Consider these kissing dangers. 

Colds and Flu

Whenever you feel like you might be coming down with a cold or the flu, it would be best to avoid kissing. This will prevent you from spreading any diseases. Colds and influenza can be easily transmitted through saliva and nasal fluids.

Cold Sores

If you know someone has a cold sore near their mouth or lips, you should avoid kissing them. Cold sores usually appear as small, clear blisters that appear around the lips. Infections caused by viruses such as cold sores are highly contagious. There is a certain level of contagiousness associated with a cold sore that is leaking fluid, but even a cold sore without fluid can spread to others. If you see a cold sore, you should avoid contact with it!

The Kissing Disease (Mono)

Kissing is one of the best ways to spread mononucleosis amongst people. Sharing habits such as sharing a straw, cup, or food can also cause the disease to spread. You should never share your food or beverages with other people. You must never share your food or your germs with anyone who has mono, even if they appear to be in good health.

Fresh Breath Tips

During a kiss, it is only natural to want breath that is fresh and clean. Spices and flavors that are strong, such as garlic and onions, should not be used in cooking. There is still a strong smell of these foods on your breath long after you have consumed them. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene every day. Apart from brushing your teeth twice a day, you should also brush your tongue, the roof of your mouth, and the inside of your cheeks. To help diffuse strong odors after eating, we recommend using a mouthwash or sugar-free gum afterward. If you feel that these solutions are not working, please make an appointment with us, as other factors may contribute to bad breath.

Kissing can spread hundreds of germs. Be cautious of cold sores, colds, and flu. Make sure that you brush and floss daily.

You can schedule your next appointment with Woodbridge Dental Care if you would like more information on how to keep your mouth healthy. Our Woodbridge dentist is here for you.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

The Powerful Effects of Dental Sealants | Woodbridge VA Dentist

You may be advised to have your child’s teeth sealed by their dentist during their next dental appointment. Dental sealants help prevent tooth decay from developing on the chewing surfaces of your teeth. To make an informed decision, it is important to understand whether a dental procedure will affect your child’s oral health.

Why Get Sealants?

The use of sealants prevents tooth decay. Sealants are applied to the back teeth, which are particularly susceptible to decay. Sealants are frequently recommended by our dentists for children and teens, but they may also be beneficial for adults. 

Located in the back of your mouth, your molars develop deep grooves on their chewing surfaces, making it difficult to keep them clean. Sealants prevent 80% of decay during the first two years following their application. Approximately half of all decay can be prevented after four years following sealant application. The risk of tooth decay for a child without sealants is three times higher than that of a child with sealants.

At what age should sealants be applied?

The first set of molars usually appears around the age of six, and the second set appears around the age of 12. Generally, sealants are most effective when they are applied just after the molars have broken through the gum line. The best time to apply sealants will be determined by your dentist during your regular dental examination.

What Should I Expect?

The use of sealants is one of the most common procedures we perform at our office. There is rarely any discomfort associated with this process. Your child’s teeth will be treated with a special gel after they have been thoroughly cleaned. After the gel has been removed, a sealant will be applied. With the aid of a small blue curing light, the sealant hardens in a matter of seconds.

What Concerns Should I Have?

Sealants do not have any side effects, and allergic reactions are extremely rare when they are utilized. If your child has allergies, you should let your doctor know so that they can determine the best course of action. 

Next Steps

When applied and maintained properly, a sealant will last for years before it needs to be replaced. To preserve the integrity of your sealants and teeth, you should visit your dental office regularly. If your child had sealants many years ago and you are not sure whether they should be replaced, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with your Woodbridge VA dentist.

Please contact Woodbridge Dental Care for more information and we will be happy to schedule an appointment.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

Tobacco Will Cause You To Lose Teeth | Woodbridge VA Dentist

It is well known that smoking and chewing tobacco can cause severe health problems, especially for the lungs. There is also the imperative point to note that the mouth and teeth can also be equally at risk. Hence, it is best not to use tobacco at all. The following is what tobacco can do to your mouth.

Chewing Tobacco

The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) reports that tobacco chewers are 50 times more likely to develop gum and cheek cancer. In addition to causing gums to recede, tobacco also causes exposed roots to be sensitive. This is an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive and cause decay as a result. To prevent this from happening, it is advised that chewing tobacco be avoided. Thankfully, our experienced team of oral health professionals can offer you tips on how to break this habit as well as tips on how to improve your oral health.


According to the American Dental Association, smoking one pack of cigarettes a day has the potential to cause two teeth to be lost per decade of life. The likelihood of losing teeth increases when you smoke. So, you should avoid smoking cigarettes and cigars. In addition to causing staining, smoking can also lead to bad breath and a less-than-attractive smile.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can affect many different areas of the mouth, including your tongue, lips, the floor of your mouth, and your gums. There is a high risk of oral cancer developing in men and in people over the age of 50. According to the American Dental Association, in the United States, the prevalence of oral cancer is on the rise, especially among people under the age of 30. If you smoke, it is important to ask your dentist about an oral cancer screening, as well as to arrange to have a full oral health examination. During an oral cancer screening, your dentist will examine your mouth, teeth, and cheeks for signs of abnormalities that could indicate oral cancer. If caught at an early stage, oral cancer can be successfully treated.

If you currently use tobacco, it is highly recommended that you cease using it. Our dentist in Woodbridge and your physician can provide you with assistance in quitting smoking. Having regular oral exams is a good idea for everyone, but those who use tobacco should be particularly vigilant about this. We invite you to schedule an appointment to visit our Woodbridge VA dentist so that we may identify any potential problems. 

For additional tips on keeping your mouth healthy or to schedule your next appointment, please contact Woodbridge Dental Care.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

Can You Overbrush? | Woodbridge VA Dentist

The chances are that you brush your teeth twice a day if you are conscientious about your oral hygiene. You may even brush after meals since you know that regular tooth brushing is a good habit that removes plaque and prevents tooth decay. Maybe you’re wondering, “Can you brush your teeth too much?” As it turns out, when it comes to brushing your teeth, there can be too much of a good thing.

Overbrushing your teeth refers to both “how much” and “how” you brush. If you brush too vigorously or compulsively, you put your mouth at risk for dental abrasion, dental sensitivity, and gum recession.


According to the University of Southern California Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, dental abrasion is the loss of tooth structure caused by mechanical forces from a foreign object. The enthusiastic use of your toothbrush wears away the tooth enamel and eventually the softer dentin and cementum structures. Abrasion is characterized by worn, shiny, and often yellow or brown spots on the surface of a tooth near the gum line. A wedge-shaped or V-shaped indentation on the gum line is another sign of abrasion.

Tooth Sensitivity

If the tooth enamel is worn away by toothbrush abrasion, the dentin layer’s nerve endings become exposed or close enough to the surface to cause tooth sensitivity. You may experience discomfort or pain when your teeth are exposed to hot, cold, sweet, or sour stimuli or when you brush your teeth.

Gum Recession

Continually overbrushing and brushing improperly may also cause your gums to recede. The softer cementum of the root is exposed and vulnerable when this occurs. The exposed cementum is not only prone to wear and notching, causing sensitivity and pain, but it is also more likely to decay.

How to protect your teeth after overbrushing

Dental abrasion and gum recession can lead to cavities and even tooth loss if not treated. Depending on the degree of toothbrush abrasion and tooth sensitivity, your dentist may recommend treatments to cover the exposed dentin and protect the tooth. Some common treatments include applying a fluoride varnish to strengthen the teeth’s surface, bonding a tooth-colored filling over the abraded area, or covering the exposed area with a veneer. Overbrushing may cause your gums to recede so far that they may never return to their original size. In some cases, gum grafting might be needed to replace missing gum tissue and protect exposed cementum.

Using the Proper Brushing Technique and Tools

Fortunately, preventing overbrushing is as simple as using the correct technique and tools. Start by following these steps:

  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush. You may think that stiff bristles will do a better job of cleaning your teeth. However, they increase the risk of dental abrasion and gum recession.
  • Be sure to check your toothpaste. Toothpaste with high abrasive agents may also speed up the process of tooth loss. Choose a toothpaste that contains calcium and fluoride to strengthen your tooth enamel.
  • Make sure you are using the right technique. Are you brushing too hard? Look at your toothbrush. Using too much pressure might cause your bristles to flatten and fray within a few weeks. Place your toothbrush gently at an angle towards your gum line and brush in a soft circular motion.
  • Do not brush immediately after eating. You should wait at least 60 minutes after eating or drinking to brush your teeth, especially after consuming something acidic like lemons or soda. While you wait, drink water or chew sugarless gum to freshen your breath.
  • Take a look at your other habits. Overbrushing isn’t the only source of abrasion. As an example, suppose you routinely open bottles with your teeth, handle nails or pins with your mouth, or bite your fingernails. In that case, those activities might also cause dental abrasion or even a broken tooth. Enamel can also be worn away by lip or tongue piercings.

When it comes to a perfect smile, overbrushing won’t help. You will achieve clean teeth and a healthy mouth when you use the appropriate tools and implement a gentle but thorough brushing technique. Contact Woodbridge Dental Care today to schedule an appointment with our Woodbridge dentist today.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

The Neurological Impact of Dental Health | Best Dentist in Woodbridge

Throughout childhood, children are taught the importance of good oral hygiene, which includes brushing twice a day. Is this enough? Does it affect more than just your oral health? There have been many studies on this subject, but finding the truth can be challenging. Several studies have been criticized, and experts will need to wait a bit longer before truly determining whether poor oral health negatively impacts brain function. Based on the earlier findings, it appears that there is indeed a link between poor oral health and poor brain function.

What else is affected by poor oral health?

Quite a few things can be impacted by this. Brain function is not the only one. Poor oral health can negatively impact the heart. Men are especially at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Hundreds of bacteria from the gums can make their way to the heart and this can lead to the hardening of your arteries. You may experience thickening of the blood, which could lead to a blockage resulting in a heart attack or stroke. Because you breathe in air that has been contaminated by bacteria in your mouth, your lungs are also at risk. Generally, poor oral hygiene can result in inflamed and infected gums and teeth.

How does it affect brain function?

Aside from all the detrimental factors listed above, there has been research suggesting that poor oral health contributes to dementia. Essentially, if you have gingivitis, the bacteria may enter the brain through the various nerve pathways. In addition, bacteria can enter the brain through the bloodstream. According to some experts, this can cause dementia. Some believe it may even be the sole cause of the terrible disease.

Researchers at Rutgers University, New Jersey, conducted a recent study in which they examined whether poor oral health could contribute to brain dysfunction. The study primarily explored certain cognitive aspects and found that they have an impact on memory and general function, something that may surprise the average patient. According to the study, there is a significant relationship between oral health and memory. It is also noteworthy that oral health has the potential to influence complex attention and learning. 

Additionally, there was a relationship between oral health and stress, or at least perceived stress. High levels of stress are associated with dry mouth. Good oral hygiene is even more important for the elderly. The downside of this is that it may lead to impaired cognitive function, episodic memory loss, or in the worst-case scenario, complete dementia.

How Can You Stop It?

Your first step should be to assess your own oral health methods. As a result, you could begin to develop better hygiene practices that could help safeguard you against any of the above issues. If you are unsure of where to begin, speak to your dentist. Make sure you are brushing your teeth at least twice a day, morning and night. Use a good toothpaste, preferably one containing fluoride. Make sure you are flossing every day to keep your gums healthy and prevent decay from developing between your teeth. Mouthwashes are effective in killing bacteria and, when used properly, can be advantageous as part of your oral health routine. Most importantly, be sure you see your dentist at least two times a year to have your teeth cleaned and examined. 

Our dental office is here to take care of all of your dental health needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

Do I Really Need to Clean My False Teeth? | Dentistry in Woodbridge VA

People tend to assume that because dentures aren’t real teeth, they don’t require the same amount of care and maintenance as natural teeth, but this isn’t true. All dentures, whether partial or full, need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly to prevent bacteria and stains. Dentures, as well as your mouth, can be kept in good shape with proper care.

The following tips will help you take care of your dentures:


After every meal or snack, as well as after brushing your teeth, remove and rinse your dentures. The water helps wash away food particles and bacteria. Always handle your dentures carefully and avoid using hot water.


It is very important to brush your dentures just as you would your teeth. Every morning and night, brush your gums, tongue, the roof of your mouth, and any natural teeth you may have. You should place towels around your sink as well as a hard floor surface to prevent your dentures from being damaged if they fall. Dentures should be cleaned using a soft-bristled toothbrush and without using any cleaning solutions. Water, denture paste, or non-abrasive toothpaste can be used. You can contact our dental office for recommendations on how to safely clean your dentures.

Removing adhesives

You can remove any adhesive residue by gargling with warm saltwater. You can then use a clean washcloth to clean your gums and the roof of your mouth before rinsing your mouth again with warm water. For stubborn adhesive bits, you can also brush your gums with a soft toothbrush.

Soaking overnight

To clean your dentures overnight, soak them in a denture cleaning solution or water. You can also use a fast-acting cleanser before storing your dentures in water. Be sure to follow the instructions on the denture cleaner package. When cleaning a partial denture, use a solution specifically designed for partial dentures.

When not wearing them, it is important to always submerge your partial or full dentures in water or denture solution. The acrylic can dry out over time and lose its shape, leading to the dentures becoming brittle and not fitting well. Dentures contain hundreds of microscopic holes, so it is crucial to keep them moist to prolong their life. When dentures dry out, the following problems can occur:

  • They become painful and uncomfortable. Moisture keeps dentures pliable, so they stay comfortable in your mouth. 
  • Contamination: If you soak your dentures in a cleaning solution at night, you will be able to keep them clean and eliminate all the harmful bacteria.
  • The material becomes brittle-When they are dry, dentures are brittle, which means they are more likely to break if dropped. If your dentures break, you will have to start the entire process over again.

Make sure you see your dentist regularly to have your mouth and dentures examined and cleaned. Please contact our dental office to schedule an appointment.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192

Traveling Soon? Don’t Forget Your Teeth ? | Woodbridge VA Dentist

Maintaining a regular schedule can be difficult when you travel. For many people, brushing and flossing can seem time-consuming. If you are traveling on business or for pleasure, our team has put together some helpful travel tips to assist you in maintaining your oral health away from home.

Choose wisely when packing.

If you’re traveling for a long time, you should carry enough toothpaste and floss. If you have a limited amount of storage space, travel-sized products may be able to save you space. Another possible solution is purchasing a disposable toothbrush. These typically require less space and will not be as problematic if left behind. Many disposable toothbrushes even come with toothpaste already applied. Be sure the bristles of a disposable toothbrush are soft, since many disposable toothbrushes do not have soft bristles. Your dentist might be able to make some suggestions.

Make sure your toothbrush is covered.

Traveling will expose you to different kinds of germs. There are times when you might need to share surfaces with many other people, no matter where you stay or who you visit. A toothbrush cover that slips over the head of your toothbrush can prevent it from coming into contact with germs that accumulate on sinks and nightstands.

Water is good for you.

The best part of traveling is trying new foods. The consumption of sugary or acidic foods or beverages is generally not recommended since they can damage your teeth. Water is not only beneficial to our bodies, but can also be beneficial to our teeth. Drinking water can not only remove bacteria from teeth but also neutralize acids that damage enamel. The water also promotes saliva production, which promotes a healthy mouth. Consider taking a reusable water bottle on your travels.

Don’t forget the floss.

While it is important to brush our teeth when traveling, it is equally important to floss our teeth. Make a habit of always packing your floss with your toothbrush. In most cases, a simple package of disposable flossers will be worth the expense and can easily be included with your oral hygiene supplies.

Good habits shouldn’t be broken.

Keep your oral hygiene in check while you are traveling. Make sure you are brushing twice per day for two minutes and flossing daily. Maintaining good oral health when traveling is not easy, but it’s necessary. In addition to being fun, travel can also be stressful. A healthy smile depends on regular, thorough brushing and continuing care with your dentist in Woodbridge VA.

For your oral health needs, please schedule an appointment with our Woodbridge dentist.

Woodbridge Dental Care
Phone: (703) 670-4994
4565 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 335
Woodbridge, VA 22192